MA Bands Martingale trading system is complete trend following system which is based on Moving average, ATR Bands along with two another trend & momentum indicators.
MA Bands Martingale Trading Overview
Moving Average helps to smooth out price data and then ATR is applied on such Moving Average to plot upper and lower bands.MA Bands quickly helps to determent the trend and volatility of the current time frame and if the slope of bands is up then bulls are dominating the market. If the slope of the MA band is down then bears are dominating the market.
MA Bands Martingale Trading Explanation
Haos Visual Indicator is multi time frame trend idicator.If Blue histogram is forming above the Zero level then long term trend is up and if Blue histogram is forming below the zero level then long term trend is down. Yellow line helps to determine the short term trend of the market. If both, short term and long term trend is in one direction then only traders should take long or short trades.
SSRC is momentum indicator which is used as confirmation indicator in this trading system. It gives idea about the oversold and overbought conditions in the market .If SSRC is touching +0.75 then market is overbought and if SSRC is touching -0.75 then market is on oversold conditions.
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MA Bands Martingale Trading : Buy Conditions
- Slope of MA Bands should be Rising.
- Blue histogram should form above zero level in Haos Visual indicator.
- Yellow Line should appear above the Zero level in Haos Visual indicator.
- SSRC should give oversold signal.
- Price must trade above the Middle line of the MA band
MA Bands Martingale Trading : Sell Conditions
- Slope of MA Bands should be falling.
- Blue histogram should form below zero level in Haos Visual indicator.
- Yellow Line should appear below the Zero level in Haos Visual indicator.
- SSRC should give overbought signal.
- Price must trade below the Middle line of the MA band .